Olivia Colman may have not won an Oscar in 2020, but she for sure deserves an award for the biggest hair colour transformation. Just hours before the Academy Awards, the British actress asked her colourist to change her hair colour drastically. She ditched her signature mahogany brown hair colour for the fashion’s chicest shade of blonde – metallic silver.
Colman’s colourist Marcus Francis spoke to British Vogue and explained that although that was a last-minute change, they have been discussing it since November:
… As she has a pixie cut, there was the freedom to try something new and fun; not to mention she wears a wig for The Crown, so she could do what she liked with the colour.
But is it a good idea to go blonde from brown in one go? If your hair is dark brown or black, you need to lighten it to a medium brown or lighter, a few days in advance. Treat your hair with hydrating masques and deep conditioning treatments to restore it after the bleach. Then, use Smart Beauty Metallic Silver Pastel permanent hair dye with added plex treatment. The treatment will rebuild the bonds in your hair and prevent it from further damage. In addition to your brand new metallic silver blonde colour, you will also get more nourished, shinier and stronger hair.

If you have a light/bleached/medium blonde, you can apply Smart Beauty Metallic Silver Pastel hair dye straight away, even on the day of the important occasion. Nothing beats the shine and silkiness of the freshly-coloured hair!
Notably, two other famous Hollywood women have also decided to add silvery hues to their hair. Jane Fonda swapped her classic blonde hair for the metallic graphite grey hair colour and Sharon Osbourne has switched from her red velvet hair to Metallic Silver hair colour just like Colman.

The colourist behind both looks Jack Martin revealed that those transformations took long hours and that he used hair bond treatment to make sure the hair stays healthy. With Smart Metallic Graphite Grey and Silver Pastel hair dyes you won’t need to spend long hours, just apply it on your bleached blonde or light/medium brown hair and rock the silver grey hair trend. Both of those dyes contain Smart Plex treatment, which means it is safe to dye your hair at home – the Nio-Active technology will protect the bonds and restore your hair during colouration. Apart from the beautiful silver grey hair colour, you’ll also get perfectly shiny, healthy and hydrated hair.